quantification|quantifications in English


act of quantifying, expressing quantity of something

Use "quantification|quantifications" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quantification|quantifications" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quantification|quantifications", or refer to the context using the word "quantification|quantifications" in the English Dictionary.

1. Others are more susceptible to attempts at quantification.

2. The Structure Complexity Quantification of the Gas Geological Unit.

3. Adaptive precision and quantification of a wavelet transformed matrix

4. The Rules of Court provide machinery for the quantification.

5. A thermometer is used in the quantification of temperature.

6. Uniqueness quantification is often denoted with the symbols "∃!" or "∃=1".

7. Quantification provides greater descriptive flexibility and subtlety than simple classification.

8. Then, this article discusses the quantification method of marine fisheries transition system.

9. (2) All we need to do is to Construe each action sentence as involving an implicit existential quantification, with the variable of quantification taking events as its possible values

10. Detection and quantification of analytes based on signal induced by alkaline phosphate

11. This will enable a more accurate quantification of the amounts at risk.

12. The use of quantification in studies of crime tends to obscure this diversity.

13. Currently, quantification of Anthocyanins is mainly achieved either by spectrophotometry or by HPLC

14. Obviously much further quantification of the blackbone rotational parameters affecting termination is possible.

15. MiScript Primer Assays are part of the miScript PCR System for miRNA detection and quantification

16. A Risk - Assessment Model of Mine Water influx Based on Theory of Quantification.

17. Accurate quantification of Cations and anions remains a major diagnostic tool in understanding diseased states

18. Quantification Synonyms and related words: accounting, appraisal, appraisement, approximation, assessment, assize, Assizement, calculation, census, computation

19. Their analytical identification and quantification suffers from a lack of knowledge of the general structure.

20. The deformity is analysed prior to surgery. Clinical assessment and imaging allow precise quantification.

21. Statistics grapples with the quantification of such nebulous concepts as probability, certainty and error.

22. Two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) has recently enabled the quantification of LA deformation dynamics.

23. Statistics grapples with the quantification of such nebulous concepts as probability,(http://Sentencedict.com) certainty and error.

24. The parameter quantification principle of three - dimensional fluorescent light spectrum and its realization technique are studied.

25. Simple and rapid quantification of Brominated vegetable oil in commercial soft drinks by LC-MS